persian sturgeon câu
Another giant sturgeon caught in Fraser RiverMột con cá tầm khổng lồ nữa được bắt ở sông Fraser fisherman to take one sturgeon a day o...

Chan, the Club is hosting a Persian Night soon!Trần huynh, kỹ viện sắp sửa mở đêm hội Ba Tư đấy! Without Artemisia's command, the Pers...

alabama sturgeon
The last capture of an Alabama sturgeon was on April 3, 2007, by biologists at the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resou...

atlantic sturgeon
Today the farm houses about 16,000 fish, a mix of Russian, Siberian and Atlantic sturgeon in a 32-tank system.trại đang nuôi 20.000 con...

baikal sturgeon
The subspecies A. baerii baicalensis known as the Baikal sturgeon is a unique lake form found primarily in the northern end of Lake Bai...

chinese sturgeon
The Chinese alligator is also on the second-grade protection list, while the Chinese sturgeon is a first-grade protected species.Cá sấu...

green sturgeon
It is home to chinook salmon, coho salmon, steelhead, cutthroat trout and green sturgeon, which travel upstream for more than 200 miles...

lake sturgeon
On Valentine’s Day, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) confirmed that the fish was not only the largest lake sturgeon...

pallid sturgeon
The pallid sturgeon takes 15 years to mature and spawns infrequently, but can live for up to a century.Cá tầm da vàng nhợt cần 15 năm đ...

russian sturgeon
Marshallberg Farm in North Carolina, which farms Russian sturgeon in two locations, can produce five to six metric tons of caviar a yea...

shortnose sturgeon
The shortnose sturgeon is a small North American sturgeon which can be found in 16 to 19 large river and estuary systems along the Atla...

shovelnose sturgeon
Shovelnose sturgeon are the most abundant sturgeon, found in the Missouri River and Mississippi River systemsCá tầm mũi xẻng là loài cá...

siberian sturgeon
Siberian sturgeon usually weigh about 65 kg, with considerable variability between and within river basins.Cá tầm Siberi cá tầm thường ...

white sturgeon
A white sturgeon, the largest and most primitive freshwater fish in North America.Cá tầm trắng, các loài cá nước ngọt lớn nhất và nguyê...

blackhead persian
The Dorper breed was developed through the crossing of the Blackhead Persian ewe with the Dorset Horn and this resulted in the birth of...

in a persian market
A quartet was playing music from In a Persian Market by Albert W. Ketelbey.Bản dịch gốc: In A Persian Market Sheet Music by Albert Kete...

iranian persian
Order Avestan name of the Yazata (in the genitive) Approximate meaning of the name Pahlavi Middle Persian Modern Iranian PersianAvestan...

middle persian
Locally it was known as golāb in Middle Persian, and as zoulápin in Byzantine Greek.Tên địa phương gọi là golāb trong tiếng Ba Tư Trung...

old persian
Note: The story above is an old Persian tale.Ghi chú: Bài văn khấn ở trên là bài văn cổ ngày xưa. Old Persian cuneiform is loosely ins...

persian architecture
Traditional Persian Architecture, Ameri House and Abbasi house, and Tabatabaei houseGhé thăm Ameri House, Abbasi House và Tabatabaei Ho...

persian calendar
The Persian calendar is used in Iran and Afghanistan.Lịch Ba Tư được sử dụng ở Iran và Afghanistan. The Persian calendar is used in Ir...

persian carpet
Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Persian Carpet.Sherlock Holmes và những bí ẩn của thảm ba tư Persian carpet float.Kiểu bới móc ...

persian cat
A large Persian cat was sleeping at her feet.Một con chó giống Labrador đang ngủ dưới chân bà ta. In the Middle East Persian cat is kn...

persian culture
A House Inspired By The Persian Culture, Dedicated To The SunMột ngôi nhà lấy cảm hứng từ văn hóa Ba Tư, dành riêng cho mặt trời Carpe...

persian gardens
Persian gardens may originate as early as 4000 BCE.Vườn Ba Tư có thể bắt nguồn ngay từ 4000 năm TCN. Most of Persian Gardens entail fo...